Downloading the Docket Summary Report

Streamline your month-end reports, or check in on docket data any time.

The Docket Summary Report is available for download in either Excel spreadsheet or PDF format. When downloading as a PDF, you have the option to include all supporting dockets in the report. Follow the steps below to Generate a Docket Summary Report.

Step by Step

  1. From the dockets tab, select Reports, then Docket Summary Report
  2. Use the filter screen to select Customer, Supplier, Order or Operator
  3. Select the Date Range
  4. Select the Statuses to include
  5. Choose the output format

PDF Report

The initial page will provide a summary of the totals for each resource. If you opt to include supporting dockets, they will follow on the subsequent pages of the PDF report. This report is commonly used to accompany invoices sent to customers.

Excel Output

When extracting the data as an Excel file, you have the option to include "interaction fields" which provide a more detailed view of each line item. This additional information can be useful for analyzing specific interactions and gaining deeper insights into the data presented in the report. By selecting this option, you can enhance the level of detail in the Excel output and tailor it to meet your specific reporting and analysis needs.