Import Xero Resources and Customers to Docketbook

You can either import items and customer contacts into Docketbook from Xero, or if you've already added items and customers into Docketbook you can simply link each existing resource and contact in to the appropriate Xero item.

To import your Xero resources to Docketbook, follow the steps below.


1. Go to the settings icon

2. Select the "Resources" tab

3. Select "Import"

Step 123

4. From here, you can select one or all of your Xero resources and then select Next


5. You will then need to link the item Category and Unit of Measure to the item or items before you can then select "Next"

Step 67

To link your existing resources on Docketbook to Xero, follow the steps below.

1. Go to the Settings icon

2. Select the "Resources" tab

3. Select the unlinked Xero resource item by clicking the box 

4. Select "Edit"

Tip 123

5. From here, you can link the resource with your Xero item. Don't forget to click Save to update the change.

Step 5-1